Download free eBooks for Microsoft OneNote

Here is the list of books, and the topics covered in each of them. Make sure to download them and keep them in case you ever need it. You can also share these PDF files with anybody who is getting started with OneNote.

1] OneNote Essentials

This book covers the essential aspects of OneNote, such as best practices, how to access your notes quickly, how well you can take notes, and so on.

What is OneNote, and how does it simplify modern note-taking?How to navigate the OneNote app and its notebooksBest practices for creating and sharing notesTag and SearchExport and Share

2] OneNote for Team Collaboration

If you collaborate with a lot of people, then this book can help you get all the minute details about sharing, inviting more people to join your netbook, and adding a notebook to a team channel.

How OneNote facilitates easy collaboration through sharingHow to use OneNote together with Microsoft TeamsHow to use mobile OneNote apps

3] OneNote for Meetings

OneNote is an excellent utility for taking notes in a meeting. Find out how you add meeting notes to a page, track action items with Outlook tasks, categorize and prioritize with tags, and more.

How templates can help to streamline note-taking in meetingsHow to take notes in meetings with OneNoteHow to share and track meeting notes in OneNote, Outlook, and Teams

4] OneNote for Life Moments

OneNote can also be used on a daily basis in your personal lives. Find how you can insert webpages, presentations, use ink features to note everything quickly. You can also use the predefined templates such as wedding planner, school project, and so on.

How to use OneNote for every aspect of your personal lifeThe full depth of OneNote’s capabilities through scenario-based examplesTransitioning from journal-style note-taking on paper to electronic note-taking in OneNote

5] OneNote Tips & Tricks

Last but not least, OneNote Tips and Tricks shares some of the most interesting ways to get things done in OneNote. They are there, but it takes time to master them. Read them all about here.

Handy OneNote shortcutsUseful OneNote time saversHidden OneNote features

I hope the books are helpful for you, and you get better with OneNote. Download them all from here.