How to use Google Chrome’s malware scanner?
The procedure to use Google Chrome’s malware scanner is as follows: The Google Chrome malware scan will automatically clean up your system.
Search failed error on Chrome
However, you might encounter the Search failed error on Chrome while using a malware scan. The two primary causes of this error are an obsolete browser version or corrupt browser cookies and cache files. To resolve the error in the discussion, proceed with the following solutions sequentially:
1] Update Google Chrome to the latest version
Google Chrome is regularly updated with security updates and other features. Really old versions of Google Chrome might not even have the feature for the malware scan and even slightly obsolete ones might not have the latest security updates. In such a case, a malware scan wouldn’t be helpful and you may get the Search failed error on Chrome error while using the malware scan feature. In order to resolve this case, you could update Google Chrome to the latest version as follows: If this doesn’t help with your problem, proceed to the next solution.
2] Delete cookie and cache files
While cache and cookie files store information of web pages which is helpful in loading them faster over successive sessions, if any of these files are corrupt, it could cause issues with the functionality of the browser. In such a situation, you could delete the cache and cookie files for Google Chrome as follows: Restart the browser and check if it resolves your problem. All the best!