Watch Movies & TV shows on Popcorn Time
To get started, you need to download and install this software on your computer. After opening it, you need to use a VPN software. However, this is not mandatory. Popcorn Time wants you to be on the safe side. After opening this tool on your computer, you can find a window like this-
From here, you would be able to choose the movie category, movie or TV show. To watch a movie or TV show, click on it.
You can choose the language, picture quality (720p or 1080p), etc. It is also possible to watch the trailer before watching the movie or show. If you click the WATCH IT NOW button, it will start streaming your film or TV show. It takes a couple of moments for buffering, but it depends on your internet speed. The software also comes with IMDB rating. You can click on the star rating button after opening any TV show or movie to check the reviews as well. You can also choose a default language, theme, font size, and cache folder. For your information, you can delete the download cache folder on exit as well. To do that, open Settings and select the checkbox that says Clear cache folder on exit. If you want, you can download Popcorn Time from
![Popcorn Time lets you watch Movies and TV shows without downloading - 76](